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10 Consigli per la Prima Lezione di Ballo
Nuovi Studenti

10 Tips for Your First Dance Lesson

Do you want to learn to dance? Are you preparing for your first dance lesson? If so, we know it can feel confusing, overwhelming, and even a little scary. But the key is not to stress. Arthur Murr...

Nuovi StudentiNon hai Bisogno del Partner di Ballo

You Don't Need a Dance Partner

Don't have a partner? No problem! We'll pair you with one of our talented and friendly Arthur Murray Milano instructors, so you'll learn with an experienced dancer right from the start. While ever...

Benefici5 Benefici del Ballo Sociale

5 Benefits of Social Dancing

Dancing has been proven to allow people to have fun, let go and simply enjoy the time and the music. Whether it's with your immediate family at home, while playing in the car with your friends, or...

Nuovi StudentiPerchè le Lezioni di Ballo in Arthur Murray Funzionano

Why Arthur Murray Dance Lessons Work

Our dance studio is distinguished by its rich history and commitment to excellence. The Arthur Murray brand is synonymous with quality dance instruction, a tradition we continue with pride. Our in...


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Benefici10 Benefici del Ballo per la Salute

10 Health Benefits of Dancing

Dancing is certainly fun and enjoyable, but did you know that there are many health benefits associated with this activity? Constant movement is not only good for your physical health, but also f...

BeneficiBallo Durante la Gravidanza

Dancing During Pregnancy

Pregnant women who feel like dancing shouldn't let their growing belly stop them. The physical and mental health benefits of dancing can work wonders for you and others, as long as you listen to y...

Learning to dance with us is easy

Ballroom and Latin American dance lessons in the center of Milan. With over 300 locations worldwide, Arthur Murray has been teaching dancing for over 100 years! At Arthur Murray Milan, we have lessons suitable for every level, even if you have never danced a step in your life, you don't have a partner or you want to create your own wedding dance.

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